ReferenceError: Element is not defined for server-side libraries.In our project, we want to implement @arcgis/corelibrary to next.js monorepo for rendering maps.Nov 17, 2023Nov 17, 2023
Spring JPA/Data with Postgres UUID Array TypesWe had a very typical situation when we need to hold an array of UUID’s in a Postgres table. That can be solved by two ways:Apr 7, 2021Apr 7, 2021
Ruby on Rails 6 — Format a date with the “th” suffix, e.g. ‘30th April 2020’specMay 1, 2020May 1, 2020
Ruby on Rails 6 with JavaScript and jQuery on single pageOur goal is to connect external JavaScript library which requires jQuery only for single page in application.Apr 24, 2020Apr 24, 2020
GOV.UK static page on AWS S3 bucketTo place a static page on AWS we need to set up bucket.Feb 19, 2020Feb 19, 2020
RUBY ON RAILS 6 AND CONTENT-SECURITY-POLICY (CSP)We a re using some external js libraries on front end. So with enabled csp:Feb 17, 20201Feb 17, 20201